Join The Game-Changers Gateway Community.

The Game-Changers Gateway has been created for people who wish to work with the latest planetary energy in a powerful way without being overly impacted by it. We are in a time when chaos, confusion and transformation are the new normal.  

Our weekly offerings will support our members through these times giving them an edge in their personal and work lives.

For those who attend our events, this will keep your energy upgraded until we are in your location again.

Members will receive our service weekly.  

Would you like to be a part of our Game-Changers Gateway Community?


Game-Changers Gateway

  1. 1. Written Energy Report
  2. 2. Recorded Crystal Meditation representing the energy of the week
  3. 3. Inspirational song of the week
  4. 4. Affirmation of the week
  5. 5. Short synopsis of the crystal of the week.

*Please note that when you subscribe to our service you are initially signed up for three months paid in advance.
After that, subscription will be paid on a monthly basis.
After the initial three months you can request to pause or cancel your membership in writing.

*Please note that when you subscribe to our service you are initially signed up for three months paid in advance. After that, subscription will be paid on a monthly basis. After the initial three months you can request to pause or cancel your membership in writing.

We are sharing this service at a very affordable rate so that individuals can access material to keep them
connected with the latest energy and to know that we all share similar experiences!

Our price structure for this service is 10 Euros per month.
USD | AUD | GBP dependant on conversion rate.

We are sharing this service at a very affordable rate so that individuals can access material to keep them connected with the latest energy and to know that we all share similar experiences!

Our price structure for this service is 10 Euros
per month.
USD | AUD | GBP dependant on conversion rate.

“Jacinta has an amazing way of tapping into the cosmic energies and delivering empowering messages via both the written word and meditation with the crystals. I love the feeling of connecting to something greater than myself and feeling the support of the Crystal Kingdom and Gaia, as I rise beyond my smaller egoic self. Jacinta is a guide from beyond, a way-shower whose service is an invaluable companion along the path”.

Louise Senior, Melbourne, Australia

"POWERFUL! I feel as if I’ve had an amazing crystal healing session done after listening to this recording! I loved how connected to Spirit I felt.  From reading the weekly message, the crystal of the week, listening to this crystal reading and song of the week, I feel totally energized for the week ahead. This is a true game changer - 30 minutes in total and I know I have given myself the best weekly support in this journey I am on".

Aimee Angels, Cork, Ireland

"In 3 words - "The Complete Package", this service is amazing and the value for the content is incredible. Jacinta gives us the most up to date, in time planetary energy updates, her guidance is so on point, the affirmation and song of the week keeps me focused and aligned to my Divine Presence and Purpose and the Crystal Reading is much more than a reading, it facilitates the potential for incredible personal transformation and healing as the crystal information and energy she brings through the recording is magical and healing.  This subscription is serious value for money and I for one am very grateful to have access to this, as it creates the space for me to hear, connect and align with myself. In this busy, noisy world that is priceless!".

Lisa Fitzgerald, Limerick, Ireland